Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Henry Moore

Henry Moore Essay Henry Moore’s art career was at the base of a period of Modernism- avant-garde art produced by those who challenged the tradition, simply stated, within this period of art: the new path will be found. His main focus encompassed the realm of the human figure. Two related themes, which he said were his constant concern, mother and child and reclining woman. The human form he deals with is deformed, abstracted, and manipulated repeatedly and often beyond recognition. Representative figures with twisted proportions are a topic that develops as he does. Forms are round and generous, signifying organic qualities of skin, fruits, and earth. One example of his work is â€Å"Working Model for Upright Internal/External Form† completed in 1951 as cast bronze, after being transferred from carved wood using Plaster of Paris, so ultimately it went through three stages before being finalized in polished bronze. It was conceived first as a drawing â€Å"Ideas for Internal/External Forms† in 1949. A figure held within an outer form that also has human or organic qualities. There are many meanings attached to the theme of an external form, containing, perhaps suspending an inner form. This subtlety indicated human is like the dweller within the body for which the body shelters. There is little to suggest human form but it is apparent the human being is a prevalent theme throughout his work at this time. Possibly a mother and child, womb and egg embryo as well as emotional issues are considered. It is seemingly parallels and pairs that are considered including: outside/inside, mother/child, body/soul, world/human kind. Within the idea of the human figure, he explored feelings and emotions that exist between our beings. Moore’s drive is brilliant among modern artists because, while including so much, he aimed his findings back to the human image as his principle motivation. What makes a granny smith apple better or superior ... Free Essays on Henry Moore Free Essays on Henry Moore Henry Moore Essay Henry Moore’s art career was at the base of a period of Modernism- avant-garde art produced by those who challenged the tradition, simply stated, within this period of art: the new path will be found. His main focus encompassed the realm of the human figure. Two related themes, which he said were his constant concern, mother and child and reclining woman. The human form he deals with is deformed, abstracted, and manipulated repeatedly and often beyond recognition. Representative figures with twisted proportions are a topic that develops as he does. Forms are round and generous, signifying organic qualities of skin, fruits, and earth. One example of his work is â€Å"Working Model for Upright Internal/External Form† completed in 1951 as cast bronze, after being transferred from carved wood using Plaster of Paris, so ultimately it went through three stages before being finalized in polished bronze. It was conceived first as a drawing â€Å"Ideas for Internal/External Forms† in 1949. A figure held within an outer form that also has human or organic qualities. There are many meanings attached to the theme of an external form, containing, perhaps suspending an inner form. This subtlety indicated human is like the dweller within the body for which the body shelters. There is little to suggest human form but it is apparent the human being is a prevalent theme throughout his work at this time. Possibly a mother and child, womb and egg embryo as well as emotional issues are considered. It is seemingly parallels and pairs that are considered including: outside/inside, mother/child, body/soul, world/human kind. Within the idea of the human figure, he explored feelings and emotions that exist between our beings. Moore’s drive is brilliant among modern artists because, while including so much, he aimed his findings back to the human image as his principle motivation. What makes a granny smith apple better or superior ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Definition and Examples of Slang in English

Definition and Examples of Slang in English Slang is an informal nonstandard variety of speech characterized by newly coined and rapidly changing words and phrases. In his book Slang: The Peoples Poetry (OUP, 2009), Michael Adams argues that slang is not merely a lexical phenomenon, a type of word, but a linguistic practice rooted in social needs and behaviors, mostly the complementary needs to fit in and to stand out. The Characteristics of Slang   The most significant characteristic of slang overlaps with a defining characteristic of jargon: slang is a marker of in-group solidarity, and so it is a correlate of human groups with shared experiences, such as being children at a certain school or of a certain age, or being a member of a certain socially definable group, such as hookers, junkies, jazz musicians, or professional criminals. (Keith Allan and Kate Burridge, Forbidden Words. Cambridge University Press, 2006) The Language of Outsiders   Slang serves the outs as a weapon against the ins. To use slang is to deny allegiance to the existing order, either jokingly or in earnest, by refusing even the words which represent conventions and signal status; and those who are paid to preserve the status quo are prompted to repress slang as they are prompted to repress any other symbol of potential revolution. (James Sledd, On Not Teaching English Usage. The English Journal, November 1965)  The downtrodden are the great creators of slang. . . . Slang is . . . a pile of fossilized jokes and puns and ironies, tinselly gems dulled eventually by overmuch handling, but gleaming still when held up to the light. (Anthony Burgess, A Mouthful of Air, 1992) Standing Out and Fitting In   It is not clear to what extent the slang impulse to enliven speech, the impulse to stand out, mingles with the slang impulse toward social intimacy, the impulse to fit in. At times they seem like oil and water, but at others the social and poetic motivations emulsify into one linguistic practice. . . .  All of us, young and old, black and white, urban and suburban have slang, and, with your eyes closed, we can tell black guys chillaxin with their buddies from young soccer moms dishing out about the latest issue of Jane*. We share more slang than separates us, but what separates us tells us and others where we fit in, or perhaps, where we hope to fit in, and where we dont. . . . As a social marker, though, slang works: you know that youre among the old, tired, gray, and hopeless, rather than hip, vivid, playful, and rebellious, if only in spirit, when you hear no slang. Slang is a tell even in its absence. (Michael Adams, Slang: The Peoples Poetry. Oxford University Press, 2009)   Your mother reads and reads and reads, she wants English, as much as she can get her hands on . . .. Id come late Friday afternoon, it used to be that I would go home with a magazine or two and maybe a paper, but she wanted more, more slang, more figures of speech, the bees knees, the cats pajamas, horse of a different color, dog-tired, she wanted to talk like she was born here, like she never came from anywhere else . . .. (Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Houghton Mifflin, 2005) Modern Slang in London   I love modern  slang. Its as colorful, clever, and disguised from outsiders as slang ever was and is supposed to be. Take bare, for example, one of a number of slang terms recently banned by a London school. It means a lot of, as in theres bare people here, and is the classic concealing reversal of the accepted meaning that you also find in wicked, bad and cool. Victorian criminals did essentially the same with back slang, reversing words so that boy became yob and so on.  The other banned words are equally interesting. Extra, for example, mischievously stresses the superfluous in its conventional definition, as in reading the whole book is extra, innit? And that much-disapproved innit? is in fact the nest-ce pas? English has needed since the Normans forgot to bring it with them.  And who would not admire rinsed for something worn out or overusedchirpsing for flirting, bennin for doubled-up with laughter, or wi-five for an electronically delivered high-five? My bad, being n ew, sounds more sincere than old, tired, Im sorry (Sos never quite cut it).   Mouse potato for those who spend too much time on PCs is as striking as salmon and aisle salmon for people who will insist on going against the flow in crowds or supermarket aisles. Manstanding is what husbands and partners typically do while their wives or partners are actually getting on with the shopping. Excellent. (Charles Nevin, The Joy of Slang. BBC News, October 25, 2013) Old Slang: Grub, Mob, Knock Off, and Clear as Mud   When we refer . . . to food as grub, it is perhaps hard to realize that the word goes back to Oliver Cromwells time; from early 18th century come mob, and also knock off, to finish; and from early 19th century, the sarcastic use of clear as mud. (Paul Beale, editor of Partridges Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. Routledge, 1991) The Life Span of Slang Words   With the exception of cool, which retains its effectiveness after well over half a century, slang wordsgroovy, phat, radical, smokinhave a very brief life span in which they can be used to express sincere enthusiasm. Then they revert to irony or, at best, expressions of a sort of mild sardonic approval. (Ben Yagoda, When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It. Broadway Books, 2007)  The latest slang term for defecation, however, is dropping the kids off at the pool, which offers hope for a new generation of euphemistic suburbanites. (William Safire, Kiduage. The New York Times, 2004) Slanguage   The expression slanguage has been in the English language for well over a hundred years and has an entry in reputable dictionaries like the Macquarie and the Oxford. One of its first written appearances was as early as 1879, and since that time it has been in regular useThe slanguage of a sporting reporter is a fearful and wonderful thing, to give just one early example. The word slang has given rise to quite a number of wonderful blended or compounded words, such as slanguage, and many of them have been in the language a very long time. (Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels of English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011) Can O' Beans on Sloppy Slang   Well, said Can o Beans, a bit hesitantly, imprecise speech is one of the major causes of mental illness in human beings. . . .  Ã‚  The inability to correctly perceive reality is often responsible for humans insane behavior. And every time they substitute an all-purpose, sloppy slang word for the words that would accurately describe an emotion or a situation, it lowers their reality orientations, pushes them farther from shore, out onto the foggy waters of alienation and confusion. . . .  Slang possesses an economy, an immediacy thats attractive, all right, but it devalues experience by standardizing and fuzzing it. It hangs between humanity and the real world like a . . . a veil. Slang just makes people more stupid, thats all, and stupidity eventually makes them crazy. Id hate to ever see that kind of craziness rub off onto objects. (Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All. Bantam, 1990) The Lighter Side of American Slang I know only two words of American slang: swell and lousy. I think swell is lousy, but lousy is swell. (J.B. Priestley) * Jane was a magazine designed to appeal to young women. It ceased publication in 2007. Pronunciation: slang

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Costa Rica Geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Costa Rica Geography - Essay Example Electronic products are one type of products exported by Costa Rica and it is mainly Intel products. Despite the bug plague, Costa Rica still remains as a major banana exporter. Lastly, although harvested by mostly Nicaraguan migrants, bananas are also another major export product from Costa Rica. Generally from the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica imports medicines. The country also imports petroleum products from other countries in order to finance its industrial operations. Lastly, Costa Rica also imports integrated circuits from other countries as many are needed in the emerging industries of the country. Despite the rich Spanish cultural heritage of the country, Costa Rica is beset with several problems and two are worth mentioning. The first issue, and probably the most important, is deforestation and the destruction of natural resources. There are only few laws to protect the flora and fauna in Costa Rica and many existing laws are not properly enforced. Another thing is that the country does not have a military force thus this poses as a risk for the country. Nevertheless, there is still good quality exports, an equally great tourism industry, and relatively low unemployment and poverty rates plus the beautiful land and water forms. That is still so much to be thankful for. Adams, Becket. â€Å"U.S. Unemployment Down to 6.6 Percent, Labor Participation at 35-Year Low.† 2014. The Blaze. 5 Feb 2014.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Writers Inventory Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writers Inventory Letter - Essay Example Also, I have discovered that choosing topics is not as difficult as I initially found it to be – it needs creativity in many cases. One thing that I have never quite learned is how to make transitions when introducing new ideas. The use of connectors such as â€Å"so †¦ that, although, no sooner †¦than and thought† have proved to be quite challenging. Similarly, incorporating quotes and citing other people’s works in my writing has remained a challenge – maybe because I haven’t learned how to use some punctuations marks. Although my grammar has improved, I know I have quite a lot to do still. For example many times I misspell words that look so simple. Because my grammar is still inadequate, I often lack words to use in place of others. I will try reading more literature to learn more words and how to use them. I need to learn how to keep to the topic as I write. In many occasions, I have presented irrelevant information and far exceeded or presented inadequate material. I may start writing well but somewhere along the line I go off topic. I tend to use so many words to explain even simple concepts. I hope to work on these weaknesses. I will have to practice more to stick to the topic. I also want to thank you for being so helpful to me and to the whole of our class.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Google Search Essay Example for Free

Google Search Essay What are the company’s key resources and competitive capabilities? What competitive liabilities and resource weaknesses does it have? What opportunities exist? What threats to its continued success are present? The key resources and competitive capabilities of the search industry are due to the huge company’s success. For instance, Google gains the trust of users through reliable, accurate searches and a clear distinction of upfront advertisements in searches. Therefore, the online business user’s can do their work in minimum physical locations and lower fixed cost. These locations is fully utilized as they maximize the creativity and being in high-spirit for their working environment. The employees are hired selectively amongst some of the greatest minds in technology and related fields, and are given the tools, freedom, and encouragement to be innovative and fulfilled by their job. Several iconic features of Google remain unparalleled, including their extensive Google Earth and Google Maps capabilities, archetypal YouTube video streaming, and Google Search Appliances that allow other companies to feature Google search bars within their own sites. Being a leader in the search industries, Google is also has a few number of weaknesses. These could have serious implications on the future of their business as such the low revenue that is acquired from YouTube represents a lost opportunity for such a large online presence. Their grasp on the comprehensive social networking market is far behind those of their competitors. And while they remain an industry leader, their international reach in emerging markets such as China leave much to be desired and acquired. The rapid growth in search industries which revolving around technology and the Internet turns out of giving many opportunities to Google currently and in the near future. For example, the Internet and mobile advertising growth lead the way for increasing importance of Search Engine Optimization for marketers. More data on users becomes more readily available using data collected from searches and Chrome. Possibly the most important up-and-coming necessity for innovative companies such as Google is the  availability for users to have all of their information in one account through cloud computing. Being in such a competitive and fast moving environment will comes together with the threats to the firms. Companies who are leaders in their industry in avenues Google has attempted to take, such as Facebook for social networking, Microsoft Office for word processing, and for detailed weather reports, make finding a stronghold in such ventures very difficult. Users who are already fully integrated are unlikely to switch, and may be hesitate to have their personal information in multiple locations. Cloud computing poses a serious threat to possible hacking and identity theft, since a single set of login information could allow access to a multitude of facets of personal information. The ethical concern in the minds of many consumers regarding the ability of companies to track user viewing habits hurts users’ trust in Google, and is characterized in the blocking habits of Explorer and Firefox. Without access to this information however, the full potential of selective online advertising cannot be reached. Google must also confront substitute services as they arise, so that their main competitive advantage in search specialization is not replicated. In addition, they must be aware of any intellectual property rights laws that may be passed in the near future so as not to impede onto the service they provide.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ex †Basketball Player Essay -- Literary Analysis, John Updike

In the poem, â€Å"Ex – Basketball Player† by john Updike, (which is a narrative poem) illustrates the nature of life on how life is potentially is seen has a mirror to other people’s life, especially people who play sports. Life is the physical and mental experience of an individual. An in the poem the main character Flick, supply the poem with a good example of how life is potentially a mirror for other people. This poem is formally organized, even though it locks some qualities, it still haves the qualifications of a good poem. The â€Å"Ex Basket Player† is an interested poem because it has a good theme, tone and lots of figurative languages. The theme of this poem is about a high school basketball star that has become less successful in the future. The theme focuses on the point that if one doesn’t work hard on their goals, they will never reach their dreams. Also, if you do not reach your goals you can end up living a disappointing life. In the poem, the theme evidently shows that Flick is not necessarily despondent, but out-of-place which carries throughout the poem. The poem stated that, â€Å"the ball loved Flick (16)† and â€Å"he was the best (14),† and this allows everyone to see that it is not just Flick who looks upon his past with a sort of admiration and pride. It is everyone in the city, and he is the local hero. The boy who didn’t exactly make it big, but he made it big enough that he’s remembered. In the poem the main character Flick is a mirror or allusion for people who was successful in sports, in the past and become a loser in the future. For example Flick was once a high-school basketball star, but now his glorious past is behind him. The ideal image of his character presents a vivid image of most people in that plat sports ... ...rpose. The tone of this poem was very neutral by not saying that the life Flick was living is good or bad. With the author not putting his opinion into the poem, it can be interpreted in many ways. The tone also brings life in to the poem and helps to understand Flick’s personality more. But even though the tone was neutral by not stating whether or not the life Flick was living is good or bad, it still Bissasor 4 enable us to understand the moral of the poem. Which is work hard and you will receive you goals and never give up. To conclude, the poem â€Å"Ex-Basketball play,† is a poem that shows the reality of life. It reflects the nature of life in the real world and it helps people who have a dream and want to pursue their goals to go for it. The poem was formally organized and provides a number of figurative languages that helps to bring out tone of the poem.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines Essay

Getting Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines PDF Ebook is easy and simple. Mostly you need to spend much time to search on search engine and doesnt get Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines documents that you need. We are here to serve you, so you can easily access, read and download its. No need to wasting time to lookup on another place to get Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines PDF Ebook. We provide you Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines in PDF format so you can read and download its to your computer which this file are safe and virus free. You can read this document with Adobe Acrobat or other PDF Reader. We have massive collection of documents, books, eBook and pdf files including that you are looking Marine Corps Mci Answers Math For Marines PDF Ebook. To access this you just need to signed up and complete its through website to open your limited access for documents that you needs. So what do you waiting for? Read/Download: MARINE CORPS MCI ANSWERS MATH FOR MARINES PDF You are also possible to search for a book or subject on the digital platform. You can access ebooks on our online library related to the subject, i.e.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Seeds of Discouragement

The seeds of discouragement in work with young people INTRODUCTION Discouragement by definition is the act of or instance of being discouraged, the state of being discouraged or something that discourages. In other words it is simply the feeling of despair in the face of obstacles. Young people may become defiant or hard if seeds of discouragement are sown into their lives especially during their childhood years. This essay will seek to demonstrate how discouragement can be used positively by a child and youth care worker (CYCW) to try to help the youths they work with develop positively.It will discuss how CYCW behaviors encourage or discourage youths by addressing the four ecological hazards linked to the profiles of discouragement. The 10D’s of deviance will be explained and then it will further explain what the impact of personal theories of behavior can be. This paper will conclude by looking at what the impact on assessment will be if the child or young person feels disc ouraged by his or her interactions with the CYCW. CYCW’s are in daily contact with children and young people and they assume a very large and important role in their lives.Gannon (1990) suggests that they interact, observe and spend a lot of time with them hence they know them and their ways very well. Gannon (1990) further suggest that CYCW’s represent children and youth, share their hopes and aspirations for the future as mature, responsible and independent adults. A CYCW can use discouragement in a positive way so as to try to develop appropriate behaviors and attitudes by discouraging them from engaging in dangerous and negative activities that can affect their growth, development and achievements.This can be achieved by focusing on transitions within their environments instead of concentrating on the negative traits of troubled children. Four ecological hazards which are destructive relationships, climates of futility, learned irresponsibility and loss of purpose can be used to address this. Destructive Relationships Children affected by this hazard are for example those children who are unclaimed or rejected by their families. Their needs are failed to be met by their caretakers.This usually leads children to lose the ability of being able to create meaningful and real attachments with anyone. They feel like outcast and in most instances those in foster homes are moved constantly from one home to another. Stout & Kipling (2003) suggested that those who practiced detachment effectively distanced themselves from the source of hurt, whether by â€Å"shutting down,† not speaking or hearing or joking and laughing about the source of pain. They end up being involved in delinquency such as stealing, drugs use and abuse and even prostitution. Some end up having suicidal thoughts.Ackerman (2012) suggests that one of the elements of reclaiming discouraged youths is by earning their trust therefore the CYCW can discourage this negative behavior by gaining trust and building a meaningful relationship with these children. By this they can be influential in the children’s lives, discourage them from negative activities and behaviors and correct and comment them when their behavior is unacceptable. Climates of Futility This ecological hazard consists of children who fear failure because they feel inadequate. It looks at achievement or mastery.Grose (n. d) suggests that most children like adults can be stung by discouragement and if they receive enough of it, their self-esteem takes a dive and they begin to take fewer risks for fear of being criticized for making mistakes. These children are seen as ignorant and arrogant. A rather negative, cynical and pessimistic approach does not work because negative discouragement by a CYCW can lead to negative futility being breed. Punishing them can also lead these children to be more difficult as boredom may be the main cause of them following destructive paths.They are unmotivat ed, give up easily and avoid risks hence the CYCW should discourage these traits and encourage them to focus on their strengths, be creative, persistent and motivated in what they do. This can be achieved by creating non-threatening environments and having experimental activities that involve social engagement by teaching those concepts and not facts. Mentoring and teaching them accountable cooperative learning can discourage them from engaging in the negative activities they were once involved in or might get involved in as a sense of a future and purpose is created. Learned ResponsibilityThis ecological hazard consists of children who are rebellious and defiant as they try to mask their sense of powerlessness. This in most cases leads these children to join gangs in search of a feeling of belonging. Another reason for these gangs to be created is for these children to look for loop holes and go against authority. This is because their needs are not being met by the existing social structures. This may lead to drug and alcohol abuse, theft, prostitution and even killings. Responsibility cannot be learned because of these negative and destructive ways that would have been learnt.CYCW’s can discourage these children from gangs by teaching them to become independent, self-sufficient, responsible and self-disciplined. This can help these children from refraining themselves from negative and bad ways of living as they would be obedient to authority, respect social responsibility and have self-control by having inner values. Loss of Purpose It is portrayed by self-centered youth in search of meaning in this world that is full of confusing values. Many of these children end up using drugs on the street corners if they are poor or in their mansions if they are rich.Regardless of their different backgrounds and social statuses, these children find it hard to develop a sense of own value if they do not have the opportunity to be of value to others. Instead they become affectionless, selfish, bullies and narcissistic. The CYCW should use discouragement of drugs taking and self-centeredness in order to encourage them to be caring, loyal, sharing, generous, empathetic and supportive. This in turn helps children learn to be responsible, courageous, do things for others and be hooked on helping, create attachments to other people and have empathy for the condition of those who are less fortunate. 0 D’s of Deviance The 10 D’s of deviance on approaches to difficult children help us understand how a problem is viewed by adults and what typical responses that often follows. It shows the link between naming a problem and the typical responses that often follows. There are ten D’s of deviance but only three are going to help explain the link between the naming of the problem and the typical responses that follow. Looking at the educational theory, children are often viewed or the problem is always named as them being disobedient. The typical responses are that the child can be reprimanded, corrected or expelled from school.Argyris (1958) states that studying human behavior in schools as in organizations involves ordering and conceptualizing a buzzing confusion of simultaneous existing, multilevel mutual variables. So it may not be the case that the child is being disobedient but simply looking for attention as there might be things that would be troubling the child and they might not know how to express themselves. This is seen in children who bully other children as they usually come from broken and abusive homes where they might have been or are being abused.Expelling the child will not help anything but instead the best response is to try to get help for the child by counseling and protecting them. Redshaw (2011) suggests that from establishing a caring and nurturing therapeutic environment, focusing on developing their personal strengths, interests and talents, providing intensive support for targeted b ehaviors, to ensuring that day? to? day practices around discipline and corrective guidance are focused on teaching and treating, rather than punishment.The special education theory suggests that children are labeled as being disabled and the following responses are likely to be segregation or remediation of the child. In medieval times disabled children were seen as a curse and were usually killed at birth. Segregating the child will only further damage the child psychologically and emotionally. Instead resources at the adults’ disposal should be used to develop the child based on their needs and condition so that they can become independent. The folk religion states that children are labeled to be possessed by a demonic being.The response that would follow was an exorcism, chastise or the child being banished. Possession might not be the case as the child might be having psychological or behavioral disorders that require a different approach to cure or treat them. At times it is not necessary to label children as being possessed before ruling out every other alternative because the whole exorcism process will traumatize the child especially is it does not work. Positive Personal Theories of Behavior These theories try to explain how behaviors attributed by challenges faced by and the positive traits of the youth affect them leading them to take certain actions.Cognition esteeming labels show positive traits which the youths possess such as being strong, competent and worthy. These positive traits affect the youths positively as they get affection and attraction. They feel wanted and in turn reciprocate the feeling. They most likely get involved in activities that help them grow and develop. They are able to create attachments and hence the chances of them disassociating from the world are low since they have mentors such as the CYCW’s who help shape their character on positive ways. They are nurtured and empowered with positive skills that will help them aspire in life.Empathizing labels make them feel like they are being rejected, discouraged and frustrated. This affects them because they become concerned and they sympathize about being labeled like that. They use this for the positive as they defriend those people who bring negative things in their lines or they may be encouraged to work harder at trying to be better than those people that discourage, frustrate and reject them. We are all different, and a lot of people believe in themselves and use this negativity to their advantage if they are in the care of caring CYCW’s, mentors or guardians who will help them channel it in a positive way.On the other hand the negativity can depress, unmotivated and bring a child down because of its discouraging and frustrating manner. In conclusion assessment will become difficult if a children or a young person feels discouraged by their interactions with a CYCW. This is because discouragement will only encourage the same ol d behaviors to be maintained and therefore the CYCW might not be able to assess the child properly as they will still be blocked out by the child. Assessment requires creating an attachment, opening up to each other and feeling comfortable around each other.Even though assessment is affected negatively if the child feels discouraged by the CYCW, the CYCW can pick up some of the negativity in the child’s behavior and speech or even by how they will be interacting. WORDS (1831) References: Ackerman, R. J. 2012. Developing Resilience and Achievement Skills in High Adolescents: Victory or Violence Conference. Lexington, KY, July 11, 2002. Argyris, C. 1958. Some problems in conceptualizing organizational climate: A case study of bank. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2(4): 501-520. Brandton, L. K. & Brokenleg, M. 2002. Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Our Hope for the Future. Bloomington, Indiana: National Education Service. Gannon, B. 1990. Staying sane as a child care worker. The Chil d Care Worker. 8(4): 10-12 Grose, M. (N. d). How to Help your Child at Sport Without Embarrassing them or yourself: Our Kids. A newsletter for Parents. Redshaw, S. 2008. Meeting the needs of children and young people in care: What is the ethical response? Australian College for Child and Family Protection Practitioners, Stamford Grand, Adelaide. Redshaw, S. 011, theurapeutic Residential Cre Porgram: Model of Practice. Sanders, M. R. 1992. Every parent: A positive approach to children's behaviour. Sydney: Addison? Wesley Publishing Company. Seita, J. R. 2006. Troubled but talented: Finding hidden strengths. Reclaiming Children andYouth, 14(4): 194? 195. Stout, M. D. , & Kipling, G. 2003. Aboriginal people Resilience and the Residential School Legacy. Ottawa, Ontario: Anishinable Printing Walsh, J. , & Aubry, P. 2007. Behavior management through adventure. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 16(1): 336? 339.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

An Easy Way to Write a 500-Word Essay

An Easy Way to Write a 500-Word Essay An Easy Way to Write a 500-Word Essay During student years, we have to face multiple tasks, which differ in complexity, style and guidelines. However, a 500-word essay is probably one of the most common tasks you will ever face, so you need to be ready to complete it not depending on the subject. Some students call it the simplest assignment, while others consider a punishment. However, we are ready to calm everyone: following a few simple rules, you will easily master this task and will be able to complete such an essay without any problems. The only secret is that you need to write on a topic you understand and provide your personal opinion on the subject. However, even if you know the topic, you might have no time or lack inspiration. You may also miss a few classes and find it difficult to keep up with all the tasks. In such a case, you can turn to a professional writing service or try to complete a 500-word essay on your own, following our guidelines. Mastering all the tips and having a few examples will definitely save lots of your time and will guarantee high grades. Everything you need to know to complete a 500-word essay Here are the main tips and advice, which you need to consider to complete the assignment in the best possible way: Write an outline. It will be much easier to complete an essay if you have an overall idea of what to write about. Add various points or hints to remember what you were going to discuss. It doesn’t mean that you need to stick to your outline without making any changes along the way; Start with telling the reader about the main idea of your essay, its background, discussed questions and possible results. Make this section as interesting as possible to encourage the audience to go on reading. Remember that using complicated sentences and boring language may make the reader want to put aside your essay; Body paragraphs. This section will require your maximum attention, as you need to provide all the information on the topic. Don’t forget to provide reliable information, backed with facts, data and various visual elements to make the whole essay interesting and easy to read; Closing thoughts always have a great value, as they are a combination of all of your thoughts and ideas. Here you need to summarize everything you have concluded and provide your predictions for the future. In addition, you can always write down something challenging to make the reader want to think on the topic; Personal style. The best part of any essay is that we all have our unique writing style and the way we master words reflects our personality and outlook on life. That is why the best advice will be to adjust your style to the topic. If it is a descriptive essay, be brief and straight to the point. If you need to be creative, spice up your paper with humor and colors! Check the paper. After completing the essay, put it aside and take some time to rest. Later you can go through it again, fixing all the mistakes. Another useful advice is to look at the paper as if you are a reader. Make sure your essay is easy to read and interesting, not complicated with heavy sentences and structures; Avoid plagiarism. Your professor will easily find out that you have used side sources to complete an essay. It doesn’t mean that you need to have fresh ideas for everything. However, you can use quotes and mentioning without pretending you have written everything on your own. All these tips are universal and you can apply them not depending on the task: a 500-word essay, a research paper or any other assignment. Moreover, you can use your writing skills to make additional money during student years and complete academic assignments for others! What can be easier to change lives of other students, using our simple and effective tips?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Get Into Cornell 4 Expert Tips

How to Get Into Cornell 4 Expert Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Located in Ithaca, New York, Cornell University is a member of the Ivy League and one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Every year, Cornell accepts several thousand new students as members of its incoming freshmen class. If you’re hoping to be one of them, you’ll need to make sure that your application is up to snuff. In this article, we’ll teach you exactly how to get into Cornell and talk about Cornell admission statistics so you know how you measure up against other applicants. How Hard Is It to Get Into Cornell? If you’re trying to get into Cornell, you might be wondering, â€Å"How hard is it to get into Cornell? Do I have a shot at admission?† In short: it's very hard to get into Cornell. Cornell is one of the most competitive schools in the world to get into, boasting an admissions rate of a little less than 10%. Cornell admission statistics indicate that Cornell accepts 10 out of every 100 students that apply. If you want to be one of those students, you’ll need to make sure that every part of your application (academics, extracurriculars, essays, and recommendations) is as strong as possible. You’ll also need to make sure that you match up to what Cornell is looking for in its students. What Is Cornell Looking for in Its Students? Each year, tens of thousands of students apply to Cornell. Learning what stands out about the accepted applicants will help you learn how to get into Cornell. Simply put, those students possess the specific qualities Cornell looks for in its applicants: they have intellectual ability, character, involvement in their schools and communities, and a passion for Cornell itself. Your Cornell University application is a chance to demonstrate all of those qualities. Through your grades and test scores, you’ll show your academic ability. You’ll get a chance to highlight your involvement in your community and your passion for Cornell on different parts of your application, but most importantly, in your Cornell essays. Can You Apply to Cornell Early? Cornell University offers an early decision option to applicants. Early decision is binding - if you’re accepted to Cornell, you need to withdraw your applications to any other colleges or universities you might’ve applied to. By submitting your early decision application, you’re making a commitment to attend Cornell if you’re accepted. Don’t make this choice lightly - only apply early decision to Cornell if you really, really want to go to Cornell. If you do want to go to Cornell, applying early has its benefits. Cornell admissions statistics indicate that around a third of its freshman class during early decision. In 2018, Cornell had 51,000 total applicants, admitting 5,288 of them. Around 1,600 of those applicants applied early decision. Cornell Application Deadlines and Requirements Cornell is made up of seven different colleges. Each college has its own admissions requirements. However, there are some standard application requirements for all seven schools: The Common Application (CA) or Universal College Application (UCA) The School Report Counselor Recommendation Two Teacher Evaluations The Midyear Report, when your mid-year grades are available $80 application fee or fee waiver Required standardized test scores (only scores sent directly to us from testing agencies are accepted) Official secondary/high school transcript Cornell University Questions and Writing Supplement (CA) or Cornell Supplement (UCA) Depending on which school within Cornell you’re applying to, you may have to submit other supplementary materials. Here they are: SAT Subject Test Requirements Agriculture and Life Sciences: SAT Subject Tests are not required Architecture, Art, and Planning: SAT Subject Tests are not required Arts and Sciences: Two SAT Subject Tests of your choice Engineering: One mathematics SAT subject test (of any level) and one science SAT subject test Cornell SC Johnson College of Business: SAT Subject Tests are not required Human Ecology: SAT Subject Tests are not required Industrial and Labor Relations: SAT Subject Tests are not required Interview Requirements Formal admission interviews are required for applicants to the architecture program in the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. Formal admission interviews are offered for applicants to The School of Hotel Administration. Portfolio/Design Submission Requirements Some of the Cornell programs require portfolio or design assignments. Here's a look at what those are. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Landscape architecture program: portfolio required. Architecture, Art, and Planning Architecture program: file portfolio required Art program: portfolio required Human Ecology Design and environmental analysis program: design challenge required. Fashion design and management program: design supplement required. How to Get Into Cornell: GPA Requirements It’s extremely difficult to get into Cornell. You need to have a high GPA and demonstrate a history of undertaking challenging coursework to be competitive. The average unweighted GPA of admitted applicants to Cornell is 3.8. You’ll need to have mostly A’s on your report card to meet or exceed this average. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should stack your schedule with easy courses to get good grades. Cornell wants to see that you’re capable of challenging yourself academically. When possible, you should take honors, AP, or IB classes to show that you can handle tough academic coursework. How to Get Into Cornell: Test Score Requirements Your GPA is just one part of your academic record. Cornell also requires standardized tests to measure your academic preparedness for college. What SAT Scores Do I Need to Get Into Cornell? The average admitted applicant to Cornell scores a 1470 on the SAT. The average composite score of applicants in the 25th percentile is 1390; in the 75th percentile, it’s 1540. You’ll need to score a 1390 or above to be competitive with the other applicants vying for admission to Cornell. If your SAT scores aren’t where you want them to be, you should invest your time and energy into building and sticking to a solid training plan. What ACT Scores Do I Need to Get Into Cornell? The average admitted applicant to Cornell University scores a 33 on the ACT. The average score of students in the 25th percentile score 32; for students in the 75th percentile, it’s 34. Basically, this data means that you’ll need a 32 or above on your ACT in order to be seriously competitive with the test scores of your fellow applicants. How to Get Into Cornell: Cornell Essays Cornell requires that you answer one essay prompt only. The prompt you’ll answer depends on which college within Cornell you’re applying to. As with all college admissions essays, authenticity is key. You may have myriad scholastic interests, but for this essay, stick with what you know best and are most passionate about. Your potential topic must correspond with the areas of study at the college, too. Here are the 2018-19 Cornell University essay prompts: The primary focus of your college interest essay should be what you intend to study at Cornell. In the online Common Application Writing Supplement, please respond to the essay question below (maximum of 650 words) that corresponds to the undergraduate college or school to which you are applying. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Why are you drawn to studying the major you have selected? Please discuss how your interests and related experiences have influenced your choice. Specifically, how will an education from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and Cornell University help you achieve your academic goals?†¯ College of Architecture, Art, and Planning: What is your â€Å"thing†? What energizes you or engages you so deeply that you lose track of time? Everyone has different passions, obsessions, quirks, inspirations. What are yours?† College of Arts and Sciences: Students in Arts and Sciences embrace the opportunity to delve into their academic interests, discover new realms of intellectual inquiry, and chart their own path through the College. Tell us why the depth, breadth, and flexibility of our curriculum are ideally suited to exploring the areas of study that excite you. Cornell SC Johnson College of Business: Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management: Affiliated with both the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management is unique by design. Explain how our approach to business education is the right fit for you, and how your interests, experiences or goals will contribute to the unique composition of the entering class. Cornell SC Johnson College of Business: School of Hotel Administration (SHA): The global hospitality industry includes hotel and food service management, real estate, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, technology, and law. Describe what has influenced your decision to study business through the lens of hospitality. What personal qualities make you a good fit for SHA? College of Engineering: Cornell Engineering celebrates innovative problem-solving that helps people, communities†¦ the world. Consider your ideas and aspirations and describe how a Cornell Engineering education would allow you to leverage technological problem-solving to improve the world we live in. College of Human Ecology: How have your experiences influenced your decision to apply to the College of Human Ecology? How will your choice of major impact your goals and plans for the future? School of Industrial and Labor Relations: Tell us about your intellectual interests, how they sprung from your course, service, work or life experiences, and what makes them exciting to you. Describe how ILR is the right school for you to pursue these interests. If you’re looking for tips on how to ace your Cornell essays, check out our dedicated blog post on this very topic. How to Get Into Cornell: General Tips It’s challenging to be one of the 10% of students accepted to Cornell each year, but if you work hard and polish your application, you can be one of them! Here are some tips for making sure your application is Cornell ready: #1: Pick the Right College Cornell is somewhat unique amongst the Ivy League in that it requires you to apply to one of the seven specific schools on campus. Make sure you pick the right one! If you’re interested in art, don’t apply to the College of Engineering just because you think engineering sounds interesting. Your choice of college should reflect the classes and activities you’ve been involved with to show that you’re prepared and actually intrigued by your potential course of study. #2: Demonstrate Your Love for Cornell Cornell wants you to want to go to Cornell - they say so right on their admissions page! You should use your Cornell essay to not only talk about the college you want to attend within Cornell, but why you want to attend the university as a whole. Speak honestly about what attracts you to Cornell. And don’t just say its stellar academic reputation - pick real, concrete reasons that affect you as an individual. If the academic reputation is important to you (and it likely is), tie it back to how that’ll affect you personally. What will attending one of the best schools on the planet help you achieve? The more authentic excitement you can demonstrate, the better! #3: Be Honest The admissions committee at Cornell has to read through tens of thousands of applications every year. Applications that are trite, boring, and cliche will be shuffled straight to the â€Å"REJECTED† pile. Your application should be true to you - not who you think the admissions committee wants you to be. #4: Show Off Your Spike A spike is something that makes you stand out. Something that no (or very few) other applicants have. Your application won’t stand out if you’re second string on the football team and a non-office-holding member of student council. It will stand out if you single-handedly organize a huge fundraiser to benefit an issue close to your heart or perform at Lincoln Center with your wind ensemble. When your focus is on one thing, you’ll be better at it than if you have to split your time and attention. It will also be more impressive on your resume. What’s Next? Want to rock your Cornell admissions essays? Learn all about the Cornell required essays here. Are youworking on the Common App essayas part of your application? Read our breakdown of the Common App prompts and our guide to picking the best prompt for you. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The truth in lending act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The truth in lending act - Research Paper Example Over the passage of time, lenders including the banks looked for and retrieved different kinds of exceptions that put them in a position where they could charge the consumers the fees that were not part of the APR or were not disclosed through the APR to the consumers. The egregiousness of this practice can be estimated from the fact that a lender in the case between NCAS of Delaware and the Pennsylvania Department of Banking could legally claim a certain percentage of the APR while the actual percentage of the cost of loan was considerably higher. An in-depth analysis of the TILA suggests that it has failed as an act to provide the Americans with protection against the deceptive lending practices. Case Study: Pennsylvania Department of Banking v. NCAS of Delaware This case started in Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court. The opinion of the trial court was taken on 31 July 2007. The opinion of the trial court did not follow a bench trial and included a decision over the pretrial motions of the defendant and the plaintiff. The plaintiff had moved for an injunction and summary judgment thus requiring the defendant to desist while the defendant decided to go for the summary judgment. On 20 March 2008, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court gave its decision over the case between Pennsylvania Department of Banking and the NCAS of Delaware. This case includes a payday loans lender. Payday loans can be defined as short term loans that are given usually in small amounts but the interest rates charged on them are substantially high. In this case, the APR advertised by the lender was 5.98 per cent that was indeed, the loan’s APR’s accurate calculation by law (McGingley, 2013). Although this was a low rate and was reasonable, the company added an additional monthly participation fee to the rate worth $149.50 on monthly basis. Although this fee of participation does not have to be included in the APR’s calculation, yet the usury law of Pennsylvaniaâ €™s Section 3A prohibits such forms from charging fees that sum up to over 6 per cent. Nevertheless, the true borrowing cost in this case was nearly 368 per cent. Analysis and discussion The finance charge’s centrality imparts the need for accurate reflection of the loan’s true total cost by this amount. It is important that all lenders uniformly calculate this amount so that the fundamental objective of the TILA of offering a simple method of drawing a comparison between the loan costs to the consumers can be achieved. Unfortunately, however, the integrity of the APR and the finance charge has been challenged in the USA. Paradoxically, certain provisions within the TILA have played a role in challenging the integrity of the finance charge and the APR, though the actions of the Federal Reserve Board also contributed to the weakening of the system. The TILA provides for the exceptions by a limited number; excluded charges which may not necessarily be disclosed or ma de part of the stated charge of finance. This is inclusive of the fees for the preparation of documents, carrying out the surveys of property, appraisals, escrow and notary fees, insurance, and credit reports. The TILA authorized the Federal Reserve Board to develop more exceptions as it deems necessary in order to effectuate the TILA’s purposes. The Regulation Z issued by the Federal Reser

Friday, November 1, 2019

National Educational Technology Standars for Teacher(NEST-T) - Research Paper

National Educational Technology Standars for Teacher(NEST-T) - - Research Paper Example In this particular research paper, am going to base my study on NETS-T 1, the ability of teachers to Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. Teachers use varied methods of teaching to impact knowledge into students. However, the method and medium used plays a critical role in advancing the student learning, creativity, and innovation in either context be it virtual or face-to-face environments. The 21st century is characterized by many inventions and innovations in order to raise the education standards for both the teachers and learners. Communications technology is playing a vital part in readily availing the information and, as a result, the teacher’s roles have become more of facilitating learning lieu to the provision of content (Apple, 2011). This has led to evolving in the roles of teachers and discovery of various sources of information to act as a reference for the teachers to act as facilitators in the acquisition of knowledge by the students. Technology provides students with various sources of information thereby simplifying the roles of teachers into facilitators. However, teachers as facilitators play an active role in directing the students to the appropriate sources of information for research using technology. Therefore, the teacher’s role can be defined as â€Å"facilitator of learning†. The key motive behind this new paradigm of teaching is the recognition of the â€Å"learners’ intrinsic motivation†, which plays a leading role in promoting innovation by encouraging a culture of open-minded attitudes towards the acquisition of â€Å"creative intelligence† that has led to innovation of independent learners. The facilitative teacher, therefore, understands psychological value of productiveness and creativity that pervades innovation in the learning process. As a facilitator, teachers promote acquisition of knowledge in a myriad ways that vary from student to student and